Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Surgeon General down on yonder farm

So, discovered something cool about Birmingham on this assignment: there's a farm right next to Highway 280. It's the Jones Valley Urban Farm, where people can get small plots of land to plant gardens, or vegetables, or whatever strikes their green-thumbed fancy. Pretty cool. Also, they do a Seed-to-Plate program with the local YMCA, leading kids through farming to harvesting to cooking the veggies and such that come from the garden.

Never wanted broccoli so much in my life. Don't ask me why.

Oh, and the Surgeon General showed up to give out an award to the Jefferson County Childhood Obesity Taskforce, which is also cool.

Sarah Ellison pulls out old tomato plants at the end of the season on Monday, Sept. 22.

Bree Garrett, left, leads Surgeon General Dr. Steven Galson, center, around the Jones Valley Urban Farm on Monday, Sept. 22.

Bree Garrett, in green, and Surgeon General Dr. Steven Galson walk past the JVUF hoop house on a tour of the farm on Monday.

Also, it was the first official day of Fall, so here's the the closest thing I got to a seasonal photo from the trip. I just thought the colors might be a little reminiscent of fall ... sure, it's not the kids playing in a pile of leaves, or jack'o'lanterns lined up on a doorstep, but come on, it's early yet ...

Later, y'all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.