Thursday, January 31, 2008

For Posterity

It happens to everyone, so why shouldn't we celebrate it?

The Failure Blog.

Ain't life grand?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Howdy, y'all. What do you think of the following?

Yeah, this is from something called Vuvox, a little site I found that basically makes cool ways to showcase your multimedia work. They incorporate slide shows, video and I think audio, though I haven't really explored that side of it yet.

Pretty cool.

Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm a sucker

I am a sucker for dogs. I grew up as part of a pack, a strange mixture of an Alpha (merit of being bipedal) and just a pup. My dogs are my family. When I was born, there were six -- that's the fewest my family has ever had. We peaked at thirteen or fourteen (it's hard to keep track) a few years ago, and now we're back down to nine as the older ones die off -- Maxi, Teddy Bear, Patch, Roady, and Bert.

Dan Pelle of did this piece.

Excuse me, there's something in my eye.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

G.B. Reference

Do you think that slime is related to Vigo?

Is the atomic weight of cobalt 58.9?


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ah, sigh ...

Usually, I arrive home and burst through the door adjacent to the one I pay for, receiving a greeting of " 'Eeeyyyy, how's it going?" from my housemates. But tonight, I arrived home to find only the lethargic one upstairs grumbling about. Everyone else is gone. And, though lonely, it's nice. Prop my feet up, cut open a Freezer Pop, and crack open my laptop. My attention doesn't have to contend with video games or movies or off-the-wall conversation. It's a change from the norm, and a change is as good as a holiday.

On to more interesting subjects:

I spent ... perhaps two or three days designing and building a Web site with Adobe GoLive, tried to transfer it over to Dreamweaver, and found out that though it's all the same language, the two programs are reading it slightly differently. Layout stays the same, but the text didn't transfer right, appearing on DW as way too big and not the text designated in the CSS file. After about 90 seconds of pondering, I realized that the Mac (boo, hiss) doesn't have the text, jenkins v2.0, that I was using on my Windows-running laptop. So now I either have to decide to add the font to a computer in the lab, change the graphics in the current design (which already incorporate the font), or just boot it all to the curb and start over. But other than the font, everything else seemed to be in order -- graphics were fine, links worked, et al.

I hate Myspace, by the way. I just do. Thus, I like this idea. I'll be joining the rebellion.

You know, right now, I don't have much else. Here's a photo, just for making it through all that mess.

The Legion of Merit, awarded to Col. Bob Izlar (Ret.) Thursday of last week.


Friday, January 18, 2008

Yep, I'm a bum

Okay, so I'm a pathetic bum who shuns his blog when he starts working on things. After our multimedia class on Tuesday, we were told to design a Web site, so I got into it and I'm now pretty much making the damn thing on my own, via GoLive. Fun, but it's time consuming.

So this is just to let people know that I'm alive, kicking, screaming and busy.

Check out this link -- 20 very cool photos found in Google Maps. Pretty groovy.

I'll post some photos later, right now I have to go to class. Ciao.

Monday, January 14, 2008


I realized I have been leaving out tags on pretty much all my posts, so I just went back and added tags to them. Also, "I tell (Insert Adjective) Stories" seemed a little ... flimsy ... or something ... for a blog, so I changed it, too. As well as the address. They're both now jakeforddaniels, three quarters of my name.

The weekend was long and fraught, to say the least, I had a minor case of insomnia last night, I'm really tired, and I won't be eating until nigh on six. As my roommate Tilley would say, "Good times, good times."


Friday, January 11, 2008

What I'm aiming for ...

I sort of miss my "Wild Man of Borneo" look, the frazzled and kill-bears-with-my-naked-hands look I sported on my return from Cuba. Note the following ...

Aye, there you have it. My current look is more, shall we say, reserved.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008


So I'm finally back and settled in from my long winter's break, communicational awareness washing back over me with a rush of tingly static and sensory wonder. I had pretty much no connection back at my parents' place, aside from the occasional trip to Krystal's, the only joint around with free wireless. So here's a summary of the majesty -- in nine photos (I would have made it ten, but couldn't find an appropriate 10th) -- that was my boring break.

Alek's graduation.

Hanging out with Drew and Liz.

Being mauled by ugly beasts at my parents' place.

Making a trip into the "big city" of Rome, Ga., to go to the bookstore; my family in the background.

Walking some of our dogs in the logging area next to the house.

A critical failure of a trip to downtown Calhoun, which is not as much of a "main street city" as it claims. Obviously.

Familial trip to the Pigeon Mountain WMA (aka, the Pocket).

Charleston for New Years (at the Battery).

Some of my old friends from S.C. on the beach in Charleston.

Now that I'm back, expect more posts, more frequently. Ciao for now -- class soon.