Tuesday, December 18, 2007


It would seem that today is my birthday, and I'm officially 21.

There are some, I'm told, who would be insulted by my lack of exuberance. They can, with all due respect and admiration, bite me.


Thursday, December 13, 2007


Yep, finished with classes for the semester. I had an Arabic final at noon, and now I'm done.

To celebrate, I'm going to ... change my desktop background?
From this:

To this:

This is a completely pointless change, but, as I now have all of perhaps two responsibilities, most things I do will seem completely pointless.

There'll be more later, I'm sure.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Just a little update

This is just to keep up appearances. (Blatantcy is the crutch of brevity, which, as we all know, is the soul of wit.)

On the 29th of November, my roommate Tilley invited me to ride in a helicopter with his ROTC class, and, being the weirdo that I am, I skipped out on two classes just to do so.

(Above: that's my man Tilley on the right. Finance, hoo-ah!)

Unfortunately, it was a Chinook, not a Blackhawk like the original plan had called for. The pilots complained about something regarding the weather and the number of people who would be coming, so they elected for the twin-rotor beast. A good time had by all.

And then I drove to Decatur to volunteer for the Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar, met a few interesting people, got seriously ill, attended only a third of the actual seminar and remembered only half of that, and spent a lot of time either on the road or asleep. Fun.


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Old portrait session

Every now and then, I like to go and find some attractive young woman to come and pose for me. Which makes me sounds like some sort of predator, though I'm not. It works out for everybody -- she gets to be a model for a few hours, and I get to flirt with a pretty girl for a few hours. Oh, and I get to take pictures, work with whatever studio lighting I've managed to redneck-rig, and get something to show people if I ever go into the portraiture business.

These aren't anything really interesting, and they don't provide a real insight into my attractive young Bosnian associate, Maja, but she's a pretty girl, and I feel like I haven't posted any photos lately. And, yes, I do indeed like those Balkan girls.

So this was, in hindsight, just a chance to put up pictures of some pretty thing to add sex appeal to my blog. Booyah.

Black pit of despair

So I realized something about two hours ago that sent me spiraling into a minor depression, which made studying for my imminent Arabic quiz a little difficult. I don't think I did too badly, mind, but I'm still a little bummed by the ephihany.

Which is that my two closest friends are leaving me.

No, no, this is not some "poor little ole me" rant about friendships falling apart. I'm quite serious. They're both leaving.

Chana is leaving to attend a six-month internship in Atlanta, which is not too far away, but the distance combined with her schedule will make our normal chats and such very difficult. Also, her new boyfriend will probably take up a good bit of her time, but I'm not really counting that as anything specifically worrisome.

Aleks is graduating with her bachelors and probably going back to live with her parents, get a job, and continue on with her life, also in Atlanta. I haven't seen in a long while, though.

In fact, I think I've been distancing myself lately in order to get ready for this whole thing of not having my good friends anywhere nearby. No more dinners with Chana; no more dancing with Aleks; no more laughing, chatting, teasing, flirting, heartfelt talking, or ... well, anything, I guess, with either of them.
