Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sore jaws, Tuscaloosa knights, and custard faces

So I worked on Labor Day, no biggie aside from being a little rushed in my assignments because there was a last minute addition to the middle of the day. And all morning, my jaw was starting to ache. No reason, and this is the second time in as many months. I'm going to attribute it to stress and just leave it at that. But it's stuck around since Monday, it's now Wednesday, and I'm thoroughly annoyed. I got Tuesday as holiday and I'm off work today. Anyway ...

At the Labor Day Festival thrown by the Our Lady of Lourdes (hey, I've been there; Lourdes, France, I mean; sorry, just occured to me) Catholic Church there were battling knights, horseback rides and custard-y men:
This fighter was actually a guest knight from Tuscaloosa ... thus the post's title ...
You cannot imagine the goofy goopiness of that last photo ...
And the knights are actually members of the local Iron Mountain Barony of the Society for Creative Anachronism, and I attended their meeting last night, asked about the fighting, so I'll hopefully be a regular stickjock soon enough. (Just FYI: "stickjock" is a term used to refer, sometimes in a derogatory manner, to a member of the SCA who is solely there for the fighting ... which would be me in a nutshell...) Go out, dress up in armor, beat the crap outta each other with sticks -- sounds like a perfect Sunday afternoon to me.
Okay, jaw hurting, gonna go and get some food that's really bad for me and go to bed. I've found that too much free time + hurting jaw + deep thoughts = bad mood.

1 comment:

=^..^= said...

bahaha, i love the goopy one

also i really enjoyed the one of the knight. :)

and no hurt jaws, that's no fun :(