Thursday, September 25, 2008

Jeez ... the one time I wear khakis ...

Why the dirty pants, you ask? Because I was wading through this for an hour:There was a brush fire in Wylam but by the time I got there, it was smoldering and contained. So I went walking around with a couple of the firefighters.

The last time I tried to bake cookies -- and I do mean the *last* time; I'll leave the baking up to others more suited to the task from here on out -- I remember the acrid, but mildly sweet smell. And this is exactly what I was thinking about when I went walking through the soot-covered, torso-high sticks that remained. So now I'm trying to think of somewhere I can buy some chocolate chip cookies.

Nobody was hurt, by the way, so cheers! Here's to cookies. Even the burnt ones. I'll post more photos later.


Unknown said...

Just wait until you're at a fatality scene and you can't get "I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts" out of your head. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't going to hell already, after that, I will be now.

Mmmm cookies.

Unknown said...

And is there any way you can set these comments so I can leave a non-anonymous comment but I don't have to sign into my Blogger account that I only have so I can leave comments on blog that's require I have one?