Thursday, July 24, 2008

Back to Final Cut

I shot the state trooper recruits doing their driver training at Talladega this afternoon, stills and video. The stills, okay, whatever, got some things that'll probably fly. But it was a situation more open to video. Seeing as this was the second video I've shot for the paper, [here's the first] I should have done a better job with it, but I had a couple issues ...
  • didn't use a tripod (it's a Flip camera but that shouldn't make a difference, should it?)
  • not enough b-roll (no excuses for that)
  • I don't like the audio capabilities
  • and I used Final Cut Pro to edit, rather than FCP's simpleton cousin Windows Movie Maker. Which, after spending so much time away from it, is like driving a stick-shift after spending a year in an automatic -- it takes some getting used to.

Thusly are the reasons I'm still at the office at 7:bleeding:30. Waiting for the thing to export and all. Anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, really. So happens. We can communicate on this theme. Here or in PM.