Friday, June 20, 2008

Good ::yawn:: morning ...

Stayed up a little later than I should have last night, and then my alarm clock failed to go off this morning, so I'm a little tired and was a little late this morning. Good thing about smaller papers is that things are a lot more relaxed, so I can wear (unripped) jeans and a tee with an over shirt and get away with it. Usually, I try to wear something without logos, but I figured I'd endorse my dearly-beloved Capoeira Athens/UGA this morning ... but I digress ...

... from nothing. Gah, I want assignments, I want stories to shoot, I want the hustle-and-bustle. I imagine next week will be a little better -- the Boss Lady's leaving on vacation to Michigan, I believe, and I'll be the only shooter here.

Having breakfast with Karmin, darling girl, who has been sleeping all morning, in a little while. I'm blowing out of here for about two hours because I don't have anything to shoot/do until 12 (more goddamned ribbon-cutting; I bet it'll be the same people with the same stupid cardboard scissors). Slow times at the Calhoun Times.

Ha, the life editor just got a shock -- an anniversary announcement for a gay couple. Their first ever. I get the idea that she and some others on the staff are of the "Adam and Eve, never Adam and Steve" mindset.

So bored -- at least I get to catch up on my news feeds. 17 girls in New England made a get-pregnant pact so they could raise their kids together; Eco-Friendly Nightclubs are on the rise overseas; and always make sure your tattoo artist can spell.

By the way, I'm kinda adorable. Or so she says.

Ciao, y'all.

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