Wednesday, January 9, 2008


So I'm finally back and settled in from my long winter's break, communicational awareness washing back over me with a rush of tingly static and sensory wonder. I had pretty much no connection back at my parents' place, aside from the occasional trip to Krystal's, the only joint around with free wireless. So here's a summary of the majesty -- in nine photos (I would have made it ten, but couldn't find an appropriate 10th) -- that was my boring break.

Alek's graduation.

Hanging out with Drew and Liz.

Being mauled by ugly beasts at my parents' place.

Making a trip into the "big city" of Rome, Ga., to go to the bookstore; my family in the background.

Walking some of our dogs in the logging area next to the house.

A critical failure of a trip to downtown Calhoun, which is not as much of a "main street city" as it claims. Obviously.

Familial trip to the Pigeon Mountain WMA (aka, the Pocket).

Charleston for New Years (at the Battery).

Some of my old friends from S.C. on the beach in Charleston.

Now that I'm back, expect more posts, more frequently. Ciao for now -- class soon.

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