On to more interesting subjects:
I spent ... perhaps two or three days designing and building a Web site with Adobe GoLive, tried to transfer it over to Dreamweaver, and found out that though it's all the same language, the two programs are reading it slightly differently. Layout stays the same, but the text didn't transfer right, appearing on DW as way too big and not the text designated in the CSS file. After about 90 seconds of pondering, I realized that the Mac (boo, hiss) doesn't have the text, jenkins v2.0, that I was using on my Windows-running laptop. So now I either have to decide to add the font to a computer in the lab, change the graphics in the current design (which already incorporate the font), or just boot it all to the curb and start over. But other than the font, everything else seemed to be in order -- graphics were fine, links worked, et al.
I hate Myspace, by the way. I just do. Thus, I like this idea. I'll be joining the rebellion.
You know, right now, I don't have much else. Here's a photo, just for making it through all that mess.
The Legion of Merit, awarded to Col. Bob Izlar (Ret.) Thursday of last week.
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