Thursday, August 21, 2008

Some quick photos

Some various photos from the past two weeks or so. I like this whole "black-and-white-and-not-the-photos-that-made-it-into-the-paper" scheme, so I'll be sticking with it so long as nothing earthshaking comes up. Comment as ye will, fair 'Net wanderer ...

Sister Carrie White gets into the spirit during a prayer vigil at the Titusville AOH Church of God.

Colonel Chris Murphy watches Trooper Ken Burton (unseen) during a seatbelt violation stop.

A hall monitor waits for new arrivals in Blazer Hall during UAB's move-in day.

A Cullman family moves their daughter into Blazer Hall during UAB's moving day. [Note the slightly exasperated motion, and guess which is the student ...]
Spot the photographer. Just sort of tossed this in for those who don't know or can't remember what I look like. As if this'll help much.

Omitting names of youthful types because I feel a little iffy about posting their names online. Just FYI, y'all.

1 comment:

=^..^= said...

teehee, i dig the last one ;-).

also, the one of sister carrie white is awesome.

are there bigger versions of these that can be put somewhere?