Saturday, September 29, 2007

Entry the First

This is not my first blog - the internet is scattered with meandering musings, ill-conceived stories, and pointless ramblings accumulated inside blogs with names that seemed amusing at the time - but this is most certainly my most serious blog yet.

I'm a journalism student at the University of Georgia. I enjoy writing but would really like to able to tell stories through photography, so I'll be posting both here. I don't have much of a goal after college - I'd like to move around every few years, working freelance and for smaller publications. I don't know that I'll ever really make any sort of impact on a grand level, but I'd like to do what I can where I can.

I grew up doing physical labor and a lot of it, so I feel like I'm basically too rough at my core for a lot of the delicate work that goes into really good photography. But I intend on changing that.

My interests range from the obscure science to "365 Things You Can Cook in Ten Minutes or Less." So expect really odd things.

So, anyway.

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