Friday, September 26, 2008
Airbrushing for God, and a brush fire
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Jeez ... the one time I wear khakis ...
The last time I tried to bake cookies -- and I do mean the *last* time; I'll leave the baking up to others more suited to the task from here on out -- I remember the acrid, but mildly sweet smell. And this is exactly what I was thinking about when I went walking through the soot-covered, torso-high sticks that remained. So now I'm trying to think of somewhere I can buy some chocolate chip cookies.
Nobody was hurt, by the way, so cheers! Here's to cookies. Even the burnt ones. I'll post more photos later.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Surgeon General down on yonder farm
Sarah Ellison pulls out old tomato plants at the end of the season on Monday, Sept. 22.
Bree Garrett, in green, and Surgeon General Dr. Steven Galson walk past the JVUF hoop house on a tour of the farm on Monday.
Also, it was the first official day of Fall, so here's the the closest thing I got to a seasonal photo from the trip. I just thought the colors might be a little reminiscent of fall ... sure, it's not the kids playing in a pile of leaves, or jack'o'lanterns lined up on a doorstep, but come on, it's early yet ...
Later, y'all.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Quick upload
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Question of trust
Or just go with it, joke about not having a machete (again, my father would be ashamed), and leave the writer standing on a rock in the dark somewhere halfway down the creek?
... trick question. I'm never nervous. [Ego, ego, ego ...]
More later.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Another "at last" post
I wanted to put in the 5th photo down for the assignment but I realized that there's somebody in the left side of the frame who shouldn't be there. In the next photo down, I'm a little more hidden but her leg's no longer extended, but I figured what the heck, let's go with it. The dangle of her fingers was almost perfectly in line with my body. Combined with the chair, the only thing you can really see is my bag.
Tomorrow's gigs: hummingbirds invading a lady's yard, some sort of grilling at the zoo (which seems kinda wrong for some reason ...), and then snake hunting. Yes, snake hunting.
Then Friday is going to be all skydiving.
... and some people ask me why I like this job ...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Quick note here ...
Some issues with the map, but, hey, it's my first ...
And first times are ... uhm ... never mind ...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Neon signs and swearing off stuff
Secondly, the swearing off of Facebook: I'm dropping off Facebook for a week, maybe longer if I like it. Cold turkey, too. Today's been a little rough, and I imagine it won't get any easier, but I just ... well, let's just say some things might get easier without it.
Till later ...
Saturday, September 13, 2008
You ... Gee ... Ell ... Why?
CI Therapy, finally
Something about this kid tells me he's gonna be a big flirt one day. For which he gets my wholehearted approval.
More games.
With mom.
That's just some of them, from two separate sessions. Now, let's see about the actual spread ...
Front page to the left, after the jump on the right. Pretty cool, huh?